
I’ve had a birthday shout HOOORAY!

2:00 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

Yesterday I turned 25!! WOW. You know when you’re a kid and you imagine yourself 25…30…40? I had these visions of what I would be like. I thought I would feel older…have a perfectly put together life…so mature…and so on. Well, I don’t feel old, my life is pure madness sometimes, definitely more mature than I was 5 years ago…but still not feeling like an “adult.” I am sure when 40 comes around I’ll feel just the same way…like the numbers are getting bigger and my body might be looking 40…but in my head I’ll think, “wasn’t I just 19 the other day?”

There is nothing we can do about getting older, so let’s just embrace it! Cheers to wrinkles (which I’m already getting!) sunspots (oh, and I have a few of those too), and wiry gray hairs (none that I know of…)! And CHEERS to this AMAZING work of art…literally…my sister-in-law made me this cupcake masterpiece. Van Gogh’s Starry Night.


If you need a cake. Get a hold of this girl! And if you don’t need a cake, go look at her website anyway. She’s awesome! www.cakesbyjami.com


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