

9:59 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

Baby is almost here…or at least she better be on her way soon! I am due on Saturday, so I am really hoping she isn’t a stubborn little one. The days are basically spent waiting…not wanting to do anything really. Moving around is hard. Standing up is a hassle. bending down to pick something up…no way. I’m ready. as ready as I am going to be!

Preston and I have spent a lot of time in our driveway lately. (we don’t have a yard…) So I sit in my camping chair while he drives his cars around, throws rocks, kicks balls, etc. Preston has been especially interested in baseball lately after watching Shaun play stake softball. So here are some of him…none of me yet…maybe if you are lucky I’ll post one of my growing belly…later.

Sometimes we play with a bat, but mostly a racket…okay, and a HUGE ball…that way he actually hits it :)







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