
Back in Business!

11:53 am by Janelle. Filed under: News

Sorry about the technical difficulties the website was having for awhile! We are officially back up and running (as you were probably able to tell!) Well, what is going on in our lives? Shaun is finishing his finals this week and he is hoping to come out with a 4.0 so we’ll see how it all actually turns out! We are traveling to Sacramento on Thursday morning to visit between semesters,  that should be fun! Tyler is going through the temple when we are there and we are SO excited to be able to be there with him for that and to also go through the new Sacramento temple! We are so excited that he is serving a mission (Mexico City) and that he has prepared so well…hopefully he continues to learn and grow out on the mission too! And he better not get on myspace or call home because Shaun has vowed to fly down to Mexico City himself and give him a good swift kick in the pants :) Anyway, we are excited about him going to serve the Lord and the people of Mexico!! Too bad he leaves about 2 weeks before the baby comes (unless this little guy comes early) so he wont see “little Shaun” until he is about 2! Thats ok, we’ll keep pictures around and tell him all about his uncle!

I am now at 25 weeks and the belly seems to be growing by the MINUTE! Now people at work are asking when I am due because I am pretty much to the point where people can tell without fearing that I am just gaining weight! He is a pretty active guy and is continually kickin’ up his feet and resting them on my ribs, or just jabbing me there…which feels wonderful…but Shaun’s mom said he used to do that same thing when he was in there…always wedging his little feet in the same spot. It’s nice to feel him move so i know he is always alive :)

Well, I hope you all had a great Earth day (yesterday) too bad it was on a Sunday…I should plant something today…if I only had a place to plant it! Oh well! You all have a great day and take care! We love you all!


Happy Friday the 13th!

2:11 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

 I didn’t even realize that today is Friday the13th! Happy Birthday Dad Edwards…hopefully it’s a great day!!

We are getting excited that spring and lovely weather are here and Shaun is coming up on the end of the semester! YAY! But only to go back for another, then another, THEN another semester…but then he’ll have a break for several months so that’ll be nice! Also, the baby is getting more active…he is always doing something crazy in there…we need some sort of womb cam or something :) that would be fun to watch him! Shaun finally felt him yesterday! Baby was making it hard for him to feel him…he would start to kick and then every time Shaun came over he would stop, I think he was just playing jokes on his old man! I’m sure the baby will get his share of jokes once he is out! I am almost at 24 weeks!! I have pictures but our camera battery died and I haven’t been able to get them onto the computer so hopefully we will get those on soon! My belly is really starting to poke out and its getting even more uncomfortable! Oh well…I just have a few more months…and I am just going to get bigger!!

We have been getting a lot of CUTE baby things from everyone and can’t wait to actually put something in them. Thank you to all who have bought this little man tiny diapers, onesies,  shoes, pants, pacifiers…and all the other fun stuff we have received! We really appreciate it and I am sure we will learn to appreciate them all even more when we have this little guy!

Well, back to work…but we love you all and hope you have a GREAT DAY!! Take care!


Happy Spring!

2:46 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

Wow, it is so BEAUTIFUL outside now! All of the blossoms are out and the sun is shining and so warm! I love it! I just left work to eat lunch with Shaun and i totally forgot what it is like to be out and about during the middle of the day. It’s really nice!

I am feeling large…although i don’t really look it… I definitely feel it…can’t wait until I am massive…then I am sure I will just feel like a house! But oh well, i guess i am a house to a tiny little baby so it’s ok! Sometimes it is weird to think that i will go from a pregnant lady to a mom/not pregnant lady in an instant. After that baby comes out I will no longer be pregnant! I don’t know why I feel like that is such a weird concept…maybe because right now I feel like this is just how I will be forever. This group of girls in my ward put together a “greatest moms” website where we can all ask questions and get advice from each other or hear experiences from other moms…it’s kind of fun. There is a health section and people ask questions about fitness, exercise, and weight loss; they make me a little bit nervous because all these moms complain that they have gained all this weight and cant get it off…or some say that it took 2 years to get it off…yikes!  I have never had a huge problem with keeping weight off or losing weight so I just hope I can find some method to keep a fit body, even when my body gets older!! That is one thing (of several things) that keeps me sane…feeling good about my body. I think that is why I want to teach fitness classes, because i know how I feel when I work out and so I want to be there to support others who want to feel good too.

Ok, I will stop with my worried about getting lots of “baby fat” and staying fit talk…I guess I am mostly just bored at work and so I felt like typing out something and my thoughts just kept wandering…so anyway, I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful spring weather! I am loving it. I love you all!! have a great day!

P.S. Baby Update: I feel the baby all the time and everything with the pregnancy is good thus far! We just hope it stays just as smooth as it has been! Shaun can’t feel the kicks yet but I am sure he will be able to in no time! Nothing else is really exciting…our next appointment is on April 20th so hopefully all is well then too!