
Get ready…

9:24 am by Janelle. Filed under: News,Shaun

I finally got some pictures on here…so there may be quite a few…maybe more than a few! Oh well,  here is our Christmas documented in pictures.

Before heading out to Utah we visited a well-known court in our area that is always lit up and decorated for Christmas. Each house usually has a theme and below is Preston LOVING the Disney house…

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Here is a favorite of the beautiful Amy…who is getting more and more pregnant…and her husband Burgess. They’re cute.

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Here is the smiliest baby…but one who can also give the best stink-eye…Preston’s cousin Addison with her awesome bib from Dan…Preston got one with cowboy boots all over it. Good pick Dan.

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Preston loved riding grandma’s exercise bike with Aunt Kerstin…

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He couldn’t keep his little mitts off the piano!

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Just playing with mom…

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All bundled up walking through downtown Salt Lake. We went to Temple square and it was FREEZING! I keep thinking it’s cold here, in the mornings and evenings especially. I forgot what cold is. It’s COLD in Utah!!

Here are some pictures from Temple square.

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This was the first time he actually let us put on his dog hat and gloves. Adorable.

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And then we had our trip home. Long. Very long.

There are these rest stops in the middle of the salt flats that i have always wanted to stop at. It looks like they were constructed in the 1950’s and the one on the eastbound side of the freeway has this ramp up to a lookout point. We decided to stop at one and take a look. They had a “foot wash” there…Kind of random, i thought. Do people want to wash their feet after a long drive? Do they go out and play in the salt flats and come back to wash their feet? This sign left me coming up with lots of different reason people might want a foot wash in the middle of nowhere. Any other answers?

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And last, our cute boy with some crazy static hair.

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Law School Update

7:59 am by Janelle. Filed under: News

I wanted to say congrats to my husband! We are pretty excited to have received his first letter back from a law school and he was accepted to the University of Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law! So at least we know he’s got one option! HOOOORAY! It’s really happening…crazy but extremely rip-roaring (…I was looking up synonyms of exciting, and that was definitely my favorite.)



Holly Jolly Christmas

7:27 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

We hope you all had a GREAT Christmas! We are having fun out here in Utah! We’ll post pictures later…we just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and we hope you remember our Savior this day!


Photoshop Fun

9:42 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

I have been trying new things ALL over the place on Photoshop…there’s too much to learn! Preston and I went to the park yesterday, and of course i brought my camera…Preston gets to play, I get to play. We all win. So I took some fun pictures there and then just learned some new fun things to do with them. I just had to share…And forgive me…I know my sweet husband gets burnt out on listening to me drone on about pictures and cameras…blah blah blah…so I’ll try and break it up a little bit :)

I wanted to figure a way to get the vintage, grungy, old, imperfect, rustic…I think you get it…look. So here is what I’ve come up with:


And his cute little face…saying “cheese.” He really was…



Terrible Seventeen Months?

12:21 am by Janelle. Filed under: News

It has already started. I think Preston’s hit the terrible two’s early. Faces like this one are seen often around the house…at the store…the park…with his cousin…EVERYWHERE. So fun. I am glad he’s cute, otherwise I don’t know how I’d keep him :)



Busy Busy Busy

11:20 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

I have been BUSY! I keep meaning to post something…but life before Christmas is pretty hectic! And it turns out this time of year is also super busy for picture taking…all those Christmas cards! I have had a lot of practice in the last month. For a long time I have wanted to take up photography…for more than just a hobby. I took classes in high school and college, but nothing ever came of it. I just liked taking pictures. The last few months I talked about it and practiced on Preston…a TON…poor kid. Somehow, people heard and then one after another I was taking pictures of other families. I have no idea how it all really started but last Saturday I took the first pictures of a family I had never met…for a moment I felt like a real photographer :) It’s amazing all that I have to learn…almost overwhelming (okay, it isn’t almost overwhelming…it IS overwhelming.) So, that’s what I have been up to…that’s why I am neglecting our sad blog…but feel free to take a little look at my hobby turned teensy business.


Oh and the name of this blog…very random…but here’s an explanation, sort of. It was late, I was finishing setting this thing up and the blog needed a name. Something creative. So I thought I’d put “snapshots” in there somewhere…but snapshots of what? I always call Preston a weasel…because he has a way of weaseling into everything and onto everything…and he’s just a weasel! Then I thought Pop goes the weasel…then Snap Goes the Weasel! Then I thought, “kind of weird. I’ll change it later.” I never did, but I kind of like it now. So there you have a peak into my crazy mind!

And a few pictures from the month so far:

A Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my awesome mom! We love you and are SOOOO grateful for all you do…especially letting us bum a place to live for a little while :) You’re wonderful!!!

(and I am pretty sure a big glop of drool just fell onto the cake…there were a few mysterious shiny spots.)


Preston and Jackson, below, being the crazies they are.


Sitting with Frosty at gymnastics, slightly traumatized.
