
One funny little boy

11:01 am by Janelle. Filed under: News

preston mar2008 016Preston is learning new things so fast right now! He is a sneeky little one already. We have a video in the “our Photos” section of him holding onto a step and standing up. That was about 2 days ago. Then yesterday, he was able to actually climb up to the second step and almost get to the top of both steps. He is one crazy, fun-lovin’ kid. Here is a picture of him. He likes to chew on nylon straps, so here he is with his car seat strap that he was apparently sucking on when he fell asleep. funny. I’ll have to write more later…I am trying to write this with Preston on my lap to prevent him from eating things off the carpet or mopping the tile with his mouth, so it’s a little tough. Have a great Sunday!


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