
Attempt at 1 year pictures

8:05 pm by Janelle. Filed under: News

Today I went with Dallin and Ada across from Preston’s school to a spot that I have been eyeing for awhile now. I have looked at this stump thinking it would be a cute spot and then recently the trees around it started blooming the prettiest purple! So, today we trekked out there…my vision didn’t exactly come out as planned, but I still think there were a  couple cute ones! Maybe I will try again another day. My favorite part of the outing was when we got back to the car and I smelled poop. Upon asking Ada if she had pooped in her underwear she promptly replied no so I checked our shoes. Nothing there…I checked Ada myself and there it was, the source of the smell all over her new Easter dress and Preston’s booster seat (sorry buddy.) Awesome. Luckily I had wipes and a t-shirt in my abyss of a van…Potty training is the best :)







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